7 chapters of Ramayan and supernatural importance of dance.

7 chapters of Ramayan and supernatural importance of dance.

Ramayan :

                   Ramayan written by sage Valmiki is a very popular and respected epic. Which shows the Indianness and culture of India as a whole. Covering the life of Shri Ram, this book throws light on the social, cultural, and political ideology of the time. The poet has introduced society through this scripture. In which the characters of Ramayana can set the example of an ideal life, an ideal husband, an ideal servant, and that is why dance and drama are performed on the plot of Ramayana not only in India but also in other countries. Which shows the victory of good over evil, which is truth. He is immortal.

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7 chapters of Ramayan :

                   The Ramayan book written by sage Valmiki is divided into the main 7 chapters covering the life of Sri Ram. This book sheds light on the social, cultural, and political ideology of the time. So, today we get detailed information about those main 7 chapters (supernatural scandal).

 No. 7 chapters
  1. Bal kand
  2. Ayodhya Kand
  3. Arunya kand
  4.   Kishkindha Kand
  5. Sundar kand
  6. Yuddha kand 
  7. Uttar kand

Supernatural importance of dance in the main 7 chapters of Ramayan :

                   Sri Ram is considered an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The entire Ramayana is written in verse form in Anushtupa verses. In the Ramayana, we find examples of dance on many occasions, in which we get direct or indirect knowledge about dance. So let's get detailed information about the supernatural significance of dance in those main 7 chapters.

7 chapters of Ramayana-importance of dance

Bal kand :

              When Shri Ram was born, the politicians, the city dwellers, and the gods and goddesses danced with joy. It is mentioned in the Ramayana epic written by sage Valmiki. At the time of Shri Rama's birth, the people danced vigorously to welcome Lord Shri Rama and the Devas also danced in the joy of Lord Shri Rama incarnating on the earth. All the Gods and Goddesses had showered flowers on Lord Rama when he came and welcomed Shri Rama.

Ayodhya Kand :

              While the coronation of Ram was getting ready, the townspeople of Ayodhya danced in their joy. The Ramayana contains examples of people from Suryavansh, Vanaravansha, and Rakshavasansh who were very much interested in dance and singing. Vyayamshala is also mentioned. Nuts, dancers, prostitutes, etc. are known to dance. Compared to all these dances in social ceremonies. It is mentioned that Bharata saw the Apsaras dancing in the dream. Simultaneously, Bharata returns to Ayodhya from his uncle's house. Then they are surprised to not listen to the music. It is shown that the queens "mourned and danced" after the death of King Dasharatha.

Arunya kand :

              Nature is also shown dancing here, trees, birds, and animals visiting Shri Ram Panchavati are also shown dancing and dancing with joy. Ravana's sister Shurpanakha danced to attract Lakshmana in a beautiful, feminine form. In which she failed.

Kishkindha Kand :

             After Sugriva's coronation, he is shown engrossed in dance music at the royal court. On this occasion, Laxman goes to summon Sugriva to help him find Sita. He then hears music and playing instruments in the distance. And Sugriva is shown surrounded by dancers and lost in the music.

Yuddha kand :

               When Hanumanji came to Lanka in search of his mother Sitaji, Hanumanji heard a roar while studying dance at Ranivas. Ravana himself was skilled in music and dance. Mandodari also knew the art of dance. Ravana used to dance and music to make Sitaji his wife and the demons danced a lot to scare Sitaji. Thus this chapter is stated above.

Uttar kand :

              After the slaughter of Rama, Lakshmana, Janaki Ravana, the townspeople returned to Ayodhya and danced "gleefully" to welcome them. All the Gods and Goddesses danced with the rain of flowers in the joy of lord Ayodhya of Lord Rama.

Thus dance is mentioned in many places in the ancient scripture Ramayan. The proof of this is found in the great texts called Ramayana. Hence it is said that the dance will be very popular even at that time.

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